Friday, June 3, 2011

Reflection Letter

Welcome to my reflection letter. My name is Matthew Morrison, I grew up with three brothers, I have not been married, and I have a cat named Duncan, although Duncan is not really my cat. The year has gone by fast and I have learned some valuable lessons. One of those lessons being my inability to peer-edit a paper, and that, for the time being, it would be best only to edit things that nobody cares about, or at least things void of punctuation. I attend college to expand my knowledge of Math and Science and aspire to become a Chemical Engineer in the field of propulsion systems. Science is coming to a peak and when humanity can climb no higher we love to be extraordinary, and hope to play a part in our next technological leap forward. Beyond that I try and get outside as much as possible and explore the forests and mountains of Washington before I say goodbye to the endless rain and four short months spent in paradise.

Now, let move on to my thoughts about the class themes. Personally I could care less about discussing anything related to behavioral science or the ins and outs of a person’s identity. The qualities that make a person honorable do not differ from person to person, unless you happen to be a psychopath or sociopath. In the real world all good people are relatively the same, people just happen to act in certain ways due to the environments that surround them. In other words identity is something I despise discussing in any tone other than sarcasm. Community on the other hand is a band wagon that I would hitch a ride on any day of the week. Being alone is quite the pain in the ass and personally I would rather die then live out my days alone and without my friends. This made community the most enjoyable theme of the class and I actually felt some personal growth while writing about it. Tradition, I don’t have much to say about tradition besides that the definition still eludes me. The opportunity to write about technology was a plus and I enjoyed reading about the evolution of communication, which is what I wrote my tradition themed paper about.

The paper I choose to demonstrate my critical thinking skills was titled “What’s Your Status.” I believe that my analytical skills are represented clearly and passionately as I wrote about communications technology and the affect it has on current traditions. My interest in technology is what fueled my performance on this paper, and gave it the oomph and precision needed to critically analyze the subject. The paper I wrote for the Identity sections on the class needed the most revisions, so I took a page from that and fixed it up. A discussion board assignment titled “I Speak, Therefore I Am” is the voice and audience I will be using for my portfolio. I feel that the reading is able to understand how I feel about the subject while coming to their own newly found conclusions. The piece of writing that I personally thought to be my best was the paper written about community. What I wrote focused on my understanding of the friendships that I am apart and how they make me a stronger, better, and more productive person. I applied that concept to the entire world, but who knows if it is true. As I wrote that paper it made me realize just how important it is the maintain friendships and rekindle the ones that should have never been lost. For this reason I choose it for my “Writer’s Choice Piece.”

1 comment:

  1. I've commented already but for some reason it isn't showing up. I enjoyed reading your reflection letter. I think it shows personality. I disagree with your opinion about identity, but I'm right on board about tradition and community. Your brief introductions make me really want to read your paper about community.

    Bravo, Matt.
