Friday, June 3, 2011

Voice to the Audience Intro

Audience and voice are wonderful things to have in real life but in writing they are even better. I have decided to place all my chips on a discussion board assignment we did during the Identity theme. The assignment was based upon a story dealing with wild tongues and caring far too much about being different. I started out my writing assignment strong by letting my audiences know how little I cared about language by stating, “After reading that I began to think about my own personal connection to English and realized that I felt no connection to it what so ever. Language to me is simply a tool used to translate thoughts and ideas into something communicable.” Honestly, I felt that that the author of the story had most likely been scared as a child due to the abusive school system she was educated under. Knowing how I felt made me realize that other people must feel the same way. So, I wrote my paper in a voice that said caring about language is ridiculous. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You might want to change the color of the font on some of these. The black is hard to see.
